Prayers and Scripture of Thanksgiving

Psalm 100, Acts 2:43-47, I Corinthians 12


Everlasting God, we pray today for the Church, the Body of Christ. We give thanks for all that it has meant to our spiritual formation. We give thanks for the truths of love, peace and grace, which it has proclaimed to all people. We know that as a human institution that there have been mistakes in judgment. Where the Church has been in error or wherever anything is amiss give us the courage to reform it. Where the Church is in the right strengthen it and give us the courage to proclaim it. Where we are divided reunite us for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Psalm 133
O Father and Mother of all humankind, we give thanks today for the family whatever form it may take. We give thanks for parents who have performed their duties in love and devotion to one another and to their children. We give thanks for the days when we have learned from one another the lessons of compassion and humility. When we make mistakes as we all do, give us the courage to apologize and the humility to accept apology. When we act out of selfishness, help us to know that there will be another chance to make things right. This we ask in Jesus' name. Amen.

Genesis, 1:1-2:4a, Psalm 8, Proverbs 8:22-31

O Creator of all things, as we look at the birds of the air and the lilies of the field our hearts swell with gratitude for the beauty and majesty of our world. When we see the stars and the planets and experience the wonder of the Universe we marvel at the works of your hand. It is in joyful celebration that we behold the splendor of your creation. Help us to remember that we are called to be caretakers. We have a responsibility to use its resources with care and to treat its beauty as a priceless treasure. Help us in this stewardship to fulfill your will. Amen.