Prayers and Scripture for National Life

Isaiah 35:1-5, Isaiah 61:1-11, Romans 13:8-9

The nation

God of all nations, we come with thankful hearts for the blessing of living in this land of freedom. We know that we have not always lived up to the precepts of your divine will. We ask that you would forgive us where we have erred and lead us so that our actions are pleasing to you. Bless us that we will seek to do honest work benefiting others. Bless us that we learn so that knowledge can be our guide to a promising future. Bless us that we may be honorable and just toward all people. We know there are times when we must defend our liberty. May we do so with the knowledge that right comes not by the sword, but by your word of truth. Defend our liberty and form us into one people even though we may speak in many languages and come from many different cultures. In times of difficulty may we trust in you. In times of prosperity, fill our hearts with thankfulness and praise. This we pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

All Civil Authorities

O God, who governs in the hearts of all who call upon your name, we entrust this nation to your compassionate care. May your law of love guide us so that we may know the peace that only you can offer. Grant to the President of the United States, the Governor of this state and all others in authority, the wisdom to act rightly and justly according to your divine will. Fill them with truth and just actions, and make them mindful of their calling to serve those who have elected them to their high offices. This we pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Local Government

Almighty God, who has bestowed upon us the freedom to elect those who serve as leaders of this state and community, give to them the wisdom and love to serve with justice. May they ever be mindful of the call to serve for the well being of all people. Energize them with your spirit that they might seek to uphold the laws entrusted to their care. May they be conscious of the responsibility that is theirs so that they may not fear to make decisions that will benefit all. This we pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For an Election

O God, we come before you in great humility for the privilege of living in the "Land of the free and the home of the brave." We recognize that with such privilege there is also responsibility. Help us to see our accountability and to recognize the importance of our vote. May we take it seriously knowing that we must give a good account of the rights we so often take for granted. May those we elect this day be faithful in their duties acting to protect and defend the citizens who have put faith in them. This we pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For our Armed Forces

O God our refuge and strength, we commend to your loving care all of the women and men who serve in our armed forces. Defend them with the power of your heavenly grace and give them courage in the time of trial and danger. Grant to them the sense of your abiding presence. Let those whom they defend be ever thankful for those who work for the cause of freedom both at home and abroad. In the difficult life they lead we ask that you would make them aware of your consoling love. We offer our prayer in Jesus' name. Amen.