Prayers and Scripture for Guidance

Psalm 31:1-5, Micah 6:8, Matthew 6:25-34
O Lord, direct us this day in the ways of love and peace. You have shown us that love never ends. Give us patience when our own grows thin. You have advised us that peace is in the hearts of your children. Help us to seek it there. In the darkness of our lives, guide us to the light of your truth that we may show mercy as you have shown compassion to us. This we pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
O God, who calls us to be disciples, direct our path to be instruments of your grace. Help us so that we do not stumble or cause another to fall. Guide us to be just and kind in all our relationships. Give to us the quiet confidence that comes from your spirit of wisdom saving us from false choices. Amen.

A Prayer and Scripture in the Time of Conflict

Matthew 5:9, Matthew 7:1-5, Matthew 7:12, Luke 10:25-37
O God, whose peace passes all understanding, mold us to be the instruments of your peace. We often think that the absence of war is peace, but in fact true peace comes only when we are in harmony with those with whom we live and work. We know that reconciliation is only possible in the absence of bitterness and hatred. Help us to work with mutual understanding and respect for one another, so that the struggle for justice and peace can bring a fruitful harvest in the hearts of all your children. Amen.

Prayers and Scripture for the Hungry and the Poor

Psalm 101:1-4, Isaiah 61:1-2a, Luke 4:16-20, Matthew 11:2-6, Matthew 5:3-12
O God of mercy, we remember those who live in poverty. We know that in your compassion there is much sorrow over those who are destitute. May we be awakened to the needs of those who have no one to care for them. Help us to be healers of your broken world so that their sorrow may be turned into joy. This we pray for Jesus' sake. Amen.
Look with pity, O God of Love, on all people who are hungry and are oppressed. Help those who live with injustice, disease and terror and know that death is a constant companion. May our consciousness be raised to place their care at the top of our agendas. May we be bold to proclaim your reign through our efforts on their behalf. In this way we will seek to eliminate the cruelty of those who are our neighbors. This we pray in the name of him who had compassion upon us because we were like sheep without a shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayers and Scripture for Those in Grief

Psalm 23, 121, 130, John 14:1-3
O God, our fortress in the time of trouble, the loss of a loved one has created within us a mixture of feeling. Sometimes we feel lonely. There is a great void in our lives. We miss the one who meant so much to us. Help us to know that as we walk into the future that with the care of friends, and family and your eternal presence we will never be alone. Amen.
O God, our fortress in the time of trouble, the loss of a loved one has transported us to a place we have not known. Sometimes we feel sorry for ourselves. All our hopes, plans and dreams have been shattered. Help us to realize what we have, not just what we have lost. Lead us to do for others and refrain from wallowing in self-pity. May we chart the course for the future eliminating the idea that we have no possibility for tomorrow. Help us to know that in living an active life we can give to those in need, and in giving we will receive more than we thought possible. Amen.
O God, our refuge and strength, when the death of a loved one crowds in on us like a thick fog we sometimes have regrets and feelings of guilt. We feel guilty that we did not say a word of praise. We feel remorse that we did not say "I am sorry" when we had the chance. We may regret that we failed to say words of love or speak words of comfort when we could. With your help we know that the fog will lift and we will remember the times we did say the right words and did express our love for the one that was so very important to us. Amen

A Prayer and Scripture for Healing

Psalm 22, Psalm 103, Luke 13:10-17
O Lord of all creation, human beings often think of healing in terms of conquering some physical ailment. We know that is possible for we are marvelously made with the ability to repair imperfections. We know sometimes that our prayers for healing depend on the unexpected. Yet, we also know we can be healed in many other ways. May your healing balm repair the wounds of despair and loneliness. We realize that many yearn for fulfillment of purpose and meaning in their lives. Give us the knowledge that by helping others find fulfillment we, too, discover that satisfaction in ourselves. Transform us to be renewed through serving you and proclaiming your reign among us. Amen.

Prayers and Scripture of Thanksgiving

Psalm 100, Acts 2:43-47, I Corinthians 12


Everlasting God, we pray today for the Church, the Body of Christ. We give thanks for all that it has meant to our spiritual formation. We give thanks for the truths of love, peace and grace, which it has proclaimed to all people. We know that as a human institution that there have been mistakes in judgment. Where the Church has been in error or wherever anything is amiss give us the courage to reform it. Where the Church is in the right strengthen it and give us the courage to proclaim it. Where we are divided reunite us for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Psalm 133
O Father and Mother of all humankind, we give thanks today for the family whatever form it may take. We give thanks for parents who have performed their duties in love and devotion to one another and to their children. We give thanks for the days when we have learned from one another the lessons of compassion and humility. When we make mistakes as we all do, give us the courage to apologize and the humility to accept apology. When we act out of selfishness, help us to know that there will be another chance to make things right. This we ask in Jesus' name. Amen.

Genesis, 1:1-2:4a, Psalm 8, Proverbs 8:22-31

O Creator of all things, as we look at the birds of the air and the lilies of the field our hearts swell with gratitude for the beauty and majesty of our world. When we see the stars and the planets and experience the wonder of the Universe we marvel at the works of your hand. It is in joyful celebration that we behold the splendor of your creation. Help us to remember that we are called to be caretakers. We have a responsibility to use its resources with care and to treat its beauty as a priceless treasure. Help us in this stewardship to fulfill your will. Amen.

Prayers and Scripture for National Life

Isaiah 35:1-5, Isaiah 61:1-11, Romans 13:8-9

The nation

God of all nations, we come with thankful hearts for the blessing of living in this land of freedom. We know that we have not always lived up to the precepts of your divine will. We ask that you would forgive us where we have erred and lead us so that our actions are pleasing to you. Bless us that we will seek to do honest work benefiting others. Bless us that we learn so that knowledge can be our guide to a promising future. Bless us that we may be honorable and just toward all people. We know there are times when we must defend our liberty. May we do so with the knowledge that right comes not by the sword, but by your word of truth. Defend our liberty and form us into one people even though we may speak in many languages and come from many different cultures. In times of difficulty may we trust in you. In times of prosperity, fill our hearts with thankfulness and praise. This we pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

All Civil Authorities

O God, who governs in the hearts of all who call upon your name, we entrust this nation to your compassionate care. May your law of love guide us so that we may know the peace that only you can offer. Grant to the President of the United States, the Governor of this state and all others in authority, the wisdom to act rightly and justly according to your divine will. Fill them with truth and just actions, and make them mindful of their calling to serve those who have elected them to their high offices. This we pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Local Government

Almighty God, who has bestowed upon us the freedom to elect those who serve as leaders of this state and community, give to them the wisdom and love to serve with justice. May they ever be mindful of the call to serve for the well being of all people. Energize them with your spirit that they might seek to uphold the laws entrusted to their care. May they be conscious of the responsibility that is theirs so that they may not fear to make decisions that will benefit all. This we pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For an Election

O God, we come before you in great humility for the privilege of living in the "Land of the free and the home of the brave." We recognize that with such privilege there is also responsibility. Help us to see our accountability and to recognize the importance of our vote. May we take it seriously knowing that we must give a good account of the rights we so often take for granted. May those we elect this day be faithful in their duties acting to protect and defend the citizens who have put faith in them. This we pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For our Armed Forces

O God our refuge and strength, we commend to your loving care all of the women and men who serve in our armed forces. Defend them with the power of your heavenly grace and give them courage in the time of trial and danger. Grant to them the sense of your abiding presence. Let those whom they defend be ever thankful for those who work for the cause of freedom both at home and abroad. In the difficult life they lead we ask that you would make them aware of your consoling love. We offer our prayer in Jesus' name. Amen.

Prayers and Scripture for Peace

Isaiah 11:6-9, John 14:27, Romans 14:19, Philippians 4:4-9,
God of mercy and grace, you have set before us life and death, blessing and curse. We pray this day that through our search for peace we will choose life and blessing. We pray that nations will beat their swords into plowshares and that war will be no more. As your children you have called us to act in the spirit of gentleness and kindness toward all of our sisters and brothers. In so doing we announce to the world that we will strive to bring peace among our communities as well as in foreign lands. We know that such efforts cannot be accomplished by our labors alone. We need your Holy Spirit to energize us to discover that peace comes not only in the absence of war but also in the peace within our hearts and minds. May our legacy be one of new beginnings that place our feet on the journey of love and justice for all people. This we pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
A Prayer Attributed to St. Francis
Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, peace; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

Prayers and Scriptures for Mothers and Fathers

Proverbs 31:10-31, Proverbs 4:1-4, Luke 2:41-51
Almighty God, Mother of all humanity, we seek your eternal care for all who are mothers. Give them strength and patience in the most challenging yet rewarding of all careers, motherhood. Give them wisdom to teach their children the values of your realm so that they may grow in the knowledge that life is richer and fuller with faith in you. We know that motherhood is not a synonym for perfection. May we guard against such lofty expectations of one who is a mother, accepting that we all need your grace. Be with us all that we may know our need for forgiveness. Finally we thank you for our mothers and all that we have learned from them and the love that they have given us. This we pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
Almighty God, Father of all humanity, we seek your blessing on all who faithfully accept their role as fathers. Help them to live in a just and loving relationship with their children. Sustain them in the difficult task of balancing career and family. May they offer to their families the affection that is vital for growing into caring human beings. Help them to admit when they are wrong and to stand firm when they are right. Since we are all your children, O God, it is through faith that we are called to be channels of your love for one another. As we remember our fathers may we be thankful for all they have done to mold our lives, and forgiving if we believe that they have erred. In so doing we are freed to live in the light of your grace for us all. This we pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Prayer and Scripture for Those We Love

I Samuel 18:3-4, 19:1-5, 20:41-42, John 13:1-15, Luke 15:11-32, I Corinthians 13
O God, who has set love at the center of your universe, we pray today for those who are dear to us. We ask that you would keep all families, whatever form they may take, in the hollow of your hand. Take from us any bitterness, vanity, or pride that curdles and corrodes our unity. Fill us with faith in you and one another so that we might live in a trusting relationship. Grant us your love so that we may treat one another with patience and kindness. Knit us together so that we might understand the power for good that can encompass our life together. Encourage us in time of struggle. Give us the joy in the company of each other that we might live in loving unity. This we pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayers and Scripture for Our Time

These are troubled times for all of us, God. We have many anxieties about the economy, the threat of terrorism and the ongoing environmental concerns. We worry about an expanded war that may lead to more violence and not a lasting peace. We come to you, though, in confidence and faith - believing you understand us and can grant us the wisdom and guidance we need. We look to you for the strength and insight we don't have. Hear our prayer and show us your way. In Christ's name. Amen.
Gentle God, giver of good gifts, give us patience as we face challenges that seem too big for us. Enable us to endure the trials and tribulations of personal loss and the perils that come from others. Give us courage as we seek to follow the ways of peace and compassion in a world filled with conflict and hate. In Christ's name. Amen.